Multicultural Kids Blog Telephone Travel VLog!

Via ajc1

Via ajc1

Hello Everyone!

Once again I find I am pushing myself to the edge of my comfort zone. In fact, I think I’ve pretty much jumped off the cliff, free-fall, no parachute.

The wonderful bloggers from the Raising Multicultural Kids Blogging group have decided to take a page out of Blunt Moms and to our own little traveling telephone round.

This is a great group and you will learn lots of interesting things about traveling with kids. I apologies in advance for the uhms, and you knows. It was late, I was tired, and mostly mortified at outing my story. (And my friend had kindly warned me about avoiding YKs and Likes so my video is inevitably peppered with them -sigh.)

My question, “What is your most memorable travel experience that was completely unplanned?” came from Amanda atMaroc Mama and I am asking Bronwyn from Journeys of the Fabulist (how fabulous is that name!) “What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made traveling with your kids?”

Please make your way around the circle. I promise most bloggers will be more succinct than mine. I apologise for hiding in the shadows but you really don’t want to see that much of me that late at night. Oh and one last warning, you may wish to visit the loo before.

#MKB Multicultural Kids Blog traveling video Log telephone circle. from Cordelia Newlin de Rojas on Vimeo.

14 thoughts on “Multicultural Kids Blog Telephone Travel VLog!

  1. Pingback: Would You Let Your Boys…MKB Telephone Tag

  2. Pingback: Travel With Kids- A Multicultural Kids Blogs Vlogging Telephone

  3. Pingback: Travelling With Kids: The Multicultural Kid Blogs Vlogging Telephone

  4. Great laugh out of the lead up to your story – ha! – I found this whole video business terrifying too. I think it’s so fun how you warmed to the story. Thanks!

  5. Hahaha so happy I finally got a chance to watch your video! I am so impressed that you shared this story with us. That must have been such an awful experience! The only comparable experience I had was being caught off guard by my period out in the middle of nowhere in Mexico with (of course) no supplies. You just made me feel a lot better!

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